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Welcome to the global website of KSSMA!

Kerala Small scale Soap Manufacturers Association,(KSSMA) is a development oriented organization and serves for the growth and prosperity of small scale Soap Manufacturers in Kerala. KSSMA also has made a significant contribution towards solving the problems that the members had to face…
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Latest News

20th anniversary programme on 25th of January 2011 will be inaugurated by Smt. T Devi (Member of Vanitha Commission) Website inauguration Adv. PG Anoop Narayan (President Malabar Chamber of Commerce) Members certificate distribution Sri. Chakkunny Honouring of Soap Entrepreneurs who completed 70 years
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Our Founders

The Department for Environment of the Central Government .....
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Office Bearers

The office bearers of Kerala Small scale Soap Manufacturers Association are...
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Industry Resources

Soap is a product that is a part of our daily lives.The first indigenous soap manufacturing unit of India was set up by Mr. Jamshedji Tata when he purchased OK Coconut Oil Mills at Cochin Kerala in 1918. OK Mills manufactured crude cold process laundry soaps...
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Primary Contact

General Secretery
Tel: _91 9847146466

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